Listing Lab AI

Front End Stack and UX

Front End Stack and UX

The front end is written in TS, and is fully type safe when interacting with the backend. I'm optimized for iteration speed with this stack. I use SST to manage environment variables, and to deploy this app to AWS.

All Type Safe

For most of the interactivity in the app, a combination of React context, and tRPC is used. Query state management is easy to work with and makes iterating on new features fast thanks to tRPC. For database schema management, Drizzle is used. Creating a fully type safe application on frontend and backend and is a breeze to work with.

ShadCN and Tailwind

I love this combo because it allows me to focus on creating value for users, instead of designing the entire UI. Allows me to instantly get a really solid baseline design system for most of the app, and easily make modifications if I need.

Fast load speeds

Static content and pages are deployed to Cloudfront, making most pages load in less than a second across the US, with the more interactive client side parts generally loading in less than 2 seconds.
